Scritto da Emanuela Annovazzi il Maggio 6, 2024
MoAK – un’abbreviazione di “Musica di Andrey Karapetyan”.
MoAK incomincia ad appassionarsi alla musica fin dalla giovane età, ma è solo all’età di 48 anni ha deciso di portare con sé la sua passione per la musica il livello successivo.
Ascoltando l’orecchiabile musica dance di MoAK sarà come ballare
in giro e voglio saperne di più.
Gli amanti della musica dance di tutto il mondo se ne sono già assicurati
di questo, perché le canzoni MoAK vengono ascoltate in molte stazioni radio
in Russia, Belgio, Cile, Stati Uniti, Francia, Spagna, Ucraina, Regno Unito
Regno, Paesi Bassi, Colombia, Kazakistan, Azerbaigian, Brasile, Italia, Estonia, Cipro, Svezia, Germania, Romania, Albania, Bielorussia, India, El Salvador, Ecuador, Ungheria, Grecia, Filippine, Australia, Bolivia, Lettonia, Messico, Perù, Guatemala, Irlanda, Brunei, Svizzera, Croazia, Sudafrica, Austria, Argentina, Canada, Repubblica Ceca, Indonesia, Polonia, Slovacchia, Nigeria, Uruguay, Turchia e in molti altri paesi.
Segui il tuo cuore, segui MoAK.
MoAK – an abbreviation of “Music of Andrey Karapetyan”.
MoAK was interested in music from a young age, but it’s only now, at the age of 48, he has decided to take his passion for music to the next level .
Listening to MoAK’s catchy dance music will have dancing around and wanting to hear more.
Dance music lovers all over the world have already made sure of this, because MoAK songs are heard on many radio stations in Russia, Belgium, Chile, USA, France, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Colombia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Italy, Estonia, Cyprus, Sweden, Germany, Romania, Albania, Belarus, India, El Salvador, Ecuador, Hungary, Greece, Philippines, Australia, Bolivia, Latvia, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Ireland, Brunei, Switzerland, Croatia, South Africa, Austria, Argentina, Canada, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Poland, Slovakia, Nigeria, Uruguay, Turkey and in many other countries.
Follow your heart, follow MoAK.
Immerse yourself in the mystical light of a new song from MoAK called “Somewhere”. The artist takes us somewhere into the shadows and darkness, showing the mysterious recesses of the human soul.
The song’s lyrics are thought-provoking: ”
Tell me what you felt like something deep inside
” MoAK explores themes of self-destruction and finding purpose, asking the question many of us might ask
ourselves: “
Why you’re self-destructive and where you want to go ?”
“Somewhere” is not just music, it is a journey through the shadows and light of a person’s emotional landscape. Melancholic sounds and hypnotic rhythms transport the listener to another dimension, where
every sound has its own meaning.
If you’re looking for something deep and touching, MoAK’s “Somewhere” will intrigue you. We invite you to listen to this fascinating sound journey on Radio